Docker metadata treated as string
- store information away from the container runtime
- can be referenced by docker during the rt
- keyvalue
- useful for add description or notes
- store host port or other configuration options --> as labels --> label ark = "heee"
- key unique in the container context a-z-0-9-. lowercase
- use an unique namespace com.skill.blabla.someLabel
- com.dcoker or io.docker are namespace reserved --> namespace specific for the application
structure data as label in Docker
- docker file is a file with instruction of how to build an image from the scratch
- new command for tune the image key value data as string opposite to json
FROM ubuntu MANTAINER example LABEL Vendor=SkillSoft LABEL Version=1.0 LABEL com.example.image="{\description\:\"A basic intro"} LABEL Year=2015 LABEL Color=blue //we can define string or integer vaie RUN apt-get update label created internally as json script -too many label is inefficient maintence of the container
docker build - < Dockerfile I can inspect the labels with docker inspect --> into the json there is the label structure
query labels
docker images --> list of images builded --> i can search an image with a specific label docker images --filter "label=Color=blue"